How To Stop Light Coming In Through The Sides Of Blinds

How To Stop Light Coming In Through The Sides Of Blinds

I’ve been doing some research into how to stop light coming in through the sides of blinds. I love sleeping in on a Saturday, but it’s not easy when the sun’s glare starts making its way past my blinds. So I’ve found some solutions which are cheap and cheerful, and others which require a little…

Should Curtains Be Lighter Or Darker Than Floors?

Should Curtains Be Lighter Or Darker Than Floors?

Should curtains be lighter or darker than floors? Am I overthinking the tonal relationship between my drapes and carpet by even asking? Curtains are accent pieces that can enhance the appearance of any room. I’ve researched the advice of the experts and looked at lots of interiors, and I’ve learned it’s a good idea to…