how to remove cat hair from curtains

How To Remove Cat Hair From Curtains

How to remove cat hair from curtains is straightforward and takes little time. I’ve experimented with several techniques, and been recommended even more that I’ve yet to try. I’m going to tell you more about de-fluffing curtains with vacuum, brush, a lint roller, tape, a dry sponge or rubber gloves. Depending on your resources, and the color and textile of the curtain, one of these techniques is likely to suit you better than the rest.


How to remove cat hair from curtains

Cats are beautiful, charismatic, and they are popular pets. In fact, there are about 32 million pet cats in North America alone. Their coat can be long or short, and kinked or straight, but all cat coat types shed all year round. That soft yet annoying fur winds up everywhere, including stuck to curtains. Especially if, like gorgeous Indy in the video above, they’ve selected your curtains as their favorite spot to sleep! Some cats will also rub against curtains to leave scent marks in strategic places around their territory.

This article will explain how to get rid of cat fur from curtains using various methods. And since cleaning the curtains every week can be tedious, we also have some ways to keep cat hair under control in the first place.

7 easy ways to remove cat hairs from curtains

Cats shed all year round, but they tend to shed especially profusely in spring and fall. This is because the density and coarseness of their fur is changing to be better adapted to the new season. So, you might need one fur removing technique most of the year, but a more vigorous method (or combination of methods) in the first week or two of spring and fall.

If you are experiencing too much cat hair in your home, try these methods for removing it:

  • Vacuum cleaning
  • Brushing
  • Lint roller
  • Tape
  • The dry sponge technique
  • Removing fur with rubber gloves
  • Dry cleaning

It is worth experimenting with what works for you. Most of these solutions for how to remove cat hair from curtains are very economical, and use things you’re likely to already have at home.

how to remove cat hairs from curtains

1. How to remove cat hair from curtains with a vacuum cleaner

Vacuuming is an easy way to remove cat hair from curtains. Since your vacuum cleaner will pick up dust and cobwebs too, it’s a great way of keeping them looking fresh and attractive. Most vacuum cleaners can be wrangled to work on curtains, but there are a few things to bear in mind if you’re going to buy one with the job in mind:

  • Several manufacturers make models specifically with pet hair in mind. Their rollers have deep bristles for lifting fur out of soft furnishings.
  • A vacuum cleaner with a choice of attachments – such as a narrow roller head and a crevice tool – is helpful for getting between folds and narrow pleats.
  • Handheld vacuum cleaners are generally less powerful, but they’re also lighter and much easier to use on vertical surfaces, if weight is a worry.
  • Avoid using the same attachments that you use on your kitchen floor on your curtains – they will pick up grease from the kitchen and gradually transfer it to the curtains!

Before working on the curtains, close them to reduce the folds. Work downwards from the top to ensure you don’t knock loose hairs down onto areas you’ve already vacuumed.

2. Removing hair with a brush

A stiff bristle brush is another way to dislodge cat fur from curtains. Choose a brush with short stiff bristles. Several different ergonomic designs are available, depending on what will be most comfortable for you. You can also choose between traditional nylon bristles, or bassine or tampico bristles (palm and agave fibers, respectively) if you prefer renewable materials. Avoid wire brushes, as these will damage most textiles.

Hold the curtain slightly taut by pulling down on it, and use the brush to sweep hairs off and down. You’ll still need to pick them up off the floor at the end with a vacuum cleaner. This method is effective and eco friendly, but it does knock lots of dust into the air too.

3. How to remove cat hair from curtains with a lint roller

A lint roller is an economical short-term alternative to buying a new vacuum cleaner if your one isn’t suitable for using on the curtains. They are easy to use and ideal if you have a short haired cat and small curtains. You can even buy specific lint rollers specifically designed to work on pet fur and not just lint. This solution isn’t very cost effective in the long run though, especially if you have large curtains, or lots of cats!

4. Packing tape

We’ve probably all used tape as a last minute stand-in for a lint roller before now, and there’s no reason you can’t do the same on curtains. It’s probably the most clumsy and inefficient solution on this list, but it will do in a pinch, like if you spot the offending fur right before a potential buyer comes to view your house.

5. How to remove cat hair from curtains with a dry sponge

Using a dry sponge to remove cat hair from the curtain seems ridiculous, but it is an effective method. Run it over the curtain from top to bottom to drag the hair away. If you’re not getting enough friction, run the sponge under warm water then wring out as much as possible and try again.

With this technique the hairs usually gather into clumps which you can pick up or vacuum away. Test it on a discreet corner first though to make sure your sponge doesn’t mark the fabric.

6. How to remove cat hair from curtains with rubber gloves

When I worked as a domestic cleaner, a lovely older lady I helped showed me this technique, and I’ve never looked back! If a vacuum cleaner, lint roller, and sponge do not clean your curtain, try using rubber gloves. They use static energy to attract pet hair, and you can get right into tiny folds and seams with ease.

Rub your hands over the curtain to create friction which creates static energy. Cat hair will cling to the cloves, and you can rinse it off with warm water. Repeat the process over all the parts of the curtains to ensure no cat hair is left.

7. Last but not least: dry cleaning

Finally, if nothing else works, you can bring in the big guns and get a dry cleaner to wash your curtains. This is a good way of resetting a cat fur problem which has gotten out of hand, before using one of the methods above to keep on top of it in future. It also kills bacteria and dust mites. It’s the most expensive method (besides buying a new vacuum cleaner) but it’s the most intensive (on your curtains) and labor-free (on you) as well.

Controlling Cat Hair in your Home

There are also things you can do to control the amount of cat hair in your home in the first place:

Brush their coat

Cats are meticulous about grooming anyway, but a little help doesn’t go astray. Especially if:

  • their coat is long
  • they have mobility problems
  • or their shedding at a faster rate than usual in spring or fall.

Brushing dislodges loose hair in a controlled way before it can scatter around your home and on your curtains. Brushing a cat’s coat also makes them more comfortable because it prevents mats.

Visit the vet

If your cat friend is shedding excessively, or suddenly shedding more than usual without an obvious explanation it could be due to stress, anxiety, allergies, or medical issues. Take them to the vet for a checkup.

How to remove cat hair from curtains: summary

Removing cat hair from curtains is relatively quick and easy. Keeping on top of it is just another regular chore to fit in alongside your regular cleaning and cat-related tasks. You can use a vacuum cleaner, brush, lint roller, sponge, or rubber gloves to do it yourself. Other homeowners prefer dry cleaning their curtains to remove the hair and kill germs as well. Brushing the cat more regularly can also limit how often the curtains need tackling.

Do you have a cat fur problem on your curtains?

Let us know what solutions you’ve tried, and which ones worked for you, in the comments box down below!

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